Par 3 Shooters

For A Cure Scramble

  • WHAT: Two person, 9-hole Par 3 Shooters Scramble, at Battle Creek Golf in Tulalip WA.
  • WHEN: April 2025 – that’s right play any time you want during the month of April – no tee time necessary.
  • WHERE: 6006 Meridian Ave N, Tulalip, WA 98271
  • COST: $80 per team for each 9-hole round (includes green fees and bucket of balls) – play as many rounds as you want. The more you play the better the chance of winning. Register for each round that you want to play.
  • THREE DIVISIONS: Men, Women, or Mixed Couples – yes you can play in the men’s or women’s and in the Couples – just register again with new name. Your team’s name is the last two names of the golfers.
  • PRIZE PER DIVISION: $20/team is allocated for prize money. The top 3 teams in each division win a cash prize.
  • OPTIONAL HOLE-IN-ONE: If you register for multiple rounds, you can enter The Hole-In-One Contest each time by paying an additional $5. Since it’s a par 3, a Hole-In-One on any hole wins. If you get a Hole-In-One, mark it on the card and circle it. The prize pot is awarded on the day the Hole-In-One is made. Once a Hole-In-One occurs, the pot rebuilds as new registrations and entries take place from that date. It’s possible to have multiple Hole-In-Ones take place during the month of the tournament.
  • PAYMENT CONFIRMATION You will receive payment confirmation from our payment processor immediately after you registered.
  • PLAYER’S REGISTRATION NUMBER. After payment, both players will receive a follow-up email from For A Cure NW with information and a registration number for two rounds on the par 3 course, (1 round for each member of the 2-person team). Present the Registration Number at the club house, grab your score card and small buckets of balls to use on the practice range. NOTE: place the last 2 names on the score card immediately.
  • RULES OF PLAY: It’s a typical scramble with one special rule. You must use a minimum of three (3) tee shots from one of the players. Putt until it’s in! Score the hole immediately. When finished, complete the following on the card:

Division: Men’s, Women’s or Couple’s

Registration Number

Info Regarding Scorer/Attest/Date
