COST: $80 per team for each 9-hole round (includes green fees and bucket of balls) – play as many rounds as you want. The more you play the better the chance of winning. Register for each round that you want to play.
THREE DIVISIONS: Men, Women, or Mixed Couples – yes you can play in the men’s or women’s and in the Couples – just register again with new name. Your team’s name is the last two names of the golfers.
PRIZE PER DIVISION: $20/team is allocated for prize money. The top 3 teams in each division win a cash prize.
OPTIONAL HOLE-IN-ONE: If you register for multiple rounds, you can enter The Hole-In-One Contest each time by paying an additional $5. Since it’s a par 3, a Hole-In-One on any hole wins. If you get a Hole-In-One, mark it on the card and circle it. The prize pot is awarded on the day the Hole-In-One is made. Once a Hole-In-One occurs, the pot rebuilds as new registrations and entries take place from that date. It’s possible to have multiple Hole-In-Ones take place during the month of the tournament.
PAYMENT CONFIRMATION You will receive payment confirmation from our payment processor immediately after you registered.
PLAYER’S REGISTRATION NUMBER. After payment, both players will receive a follow-up email from For A Cure NW with information and a registration number for two rounds on the par 3 course, (1 round for each member of the 2-person team).Present the Registration Number at the club house, grab your score card and small buckets of balls to use on the practice range. NOTE: place the last 2 names on the score card immediately.
RULES OF PLAY: It’s a typical scramble with one special rule. You must use a minimum of three (3) tee shots from one of the players. Putt until it’s in! Score the hole immediately. When finished, complete the following on the card: